Generally frangipani are not effected by pests but there are some that can cause problems
Fruit spotting bug (QLD only)
• Nymphs are 3mm orange with 2 black dots, adults are 1cm green similar to a cockroach.
• This insect sucks the sap on the new green growth and is most active in late summer. It leaves small bruise marks and brown indentations at the end of the tips, severe infestions can completely destroy the tips of the tree.
• Two treatments of any general insecticides, mid summer early autumn will stop infestions
• Regularly spraying the growth tips of the tree with common every day flyspray is also effective.
• Bugs are most active mornings and evenings.

Thank you for the information on the Fruit Spotting Bug, have never seen or heard of it before, seems to be due to such a wet summer.